We’re making some fantastic improvements to our upper gym, including some brand-new equipment, fresh flooring, and a general refresh to enhance your experience.
Refurbishment work will begin next week, starting with the installation of new flooring. During this time, large areas of the upper gym will be temporarily closed. Any restricted areas will be clearly blocked off, and at certain stages of the refurbishment, access to the upper gym will be via the external fire exit stairwell—this will be well signposted upon arrival.
We would like to make all members aware that, unfortunately, there will be no disabled access to the upper gym during this time. We sincerely apologise for this and appreciate your patience while we work to improve the space.
The lower gym will remain open throughout, and all members are welcome to use the gym at Long Stratton Leisure Centre if they wish to.
For the latest updates as the work progresses, be sure to check our Facebook page.
Thank you for your patience—we can’t wait for you to enjoy the upgrades!